The Prachakorn

Going to the movies to reduce violence against children? Development and evaluation of a film-based intervention to prevent child maltreatment on the Thailand-Myanmar border

15 พฤศจิกายน 2566

Assistant Professor. Amanda Sim from McMaster University
Stephanie Eagling-Peche from the University of Oxford
Lwin Khine Zar from IPSR, Mahidol University

Child maltreatment is a global public health crisis with negative consequences for physical and mental health. Children affected by poverty, armed conflict, and forced migration may be at increased risk of maltreatment due to heightened parental distress and disruptions to social support networks. Parenting interventions have been shown to reduce the risk of child maltreatment as well as improve a range of caregiver and child outcomes, yet large-scale implementation remains limited in low-resource displacement settings.


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